tae 🌙 commissions closedさんのプロフィール画像

tae 🌙 commissions closedさんのイラストまとめ

Tae | read pinned before following | DO NOT REPOST W/O PERMISSION | 18+ | matching w/ @eclipticas_ + i: @ShiroEsuna | GORE WARNING

フォロー数:2417 フォロワー数:3498

to celebrate chainsaw man anime heres my csm oc

8 44

Welcome, one and all, to the wonderful, magical Elpis Anything Agency!

209 330

For Izou, it would be Samurott, since Samurott's evolution line would be symbolic of Izou's growth in swordplay from childhood to adulthood, so I'd like to imagine Oshawott would've been his first pokemon

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IM GOING MONKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 9

My Azem's current name is Loxias (tied to Apollo bc sun reasons) but it'll probably change in the future bc the name I really wish I could use for them was Hermes 💀 https://t.co/2TlSdnYUt7

0 16

So excited that fuuchan is playing FFXIV so i decided to clean up an old XIV AU Psyborg drawing
Thank you Millie for making my dreams come true 🛐

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WoL comms for @/mlmcatboy and @/Meiyhia

17 48