

Pixel Artist, Professor de Arte 2D, Palestrante | @mari_liia ❤❤❤ | Contact: [email protected]

#PixelArtist #FreelancerIlustrator #ComissionsOpen

フォロー数:682 フォロワー数:797

E lembrando a todos, abri a agenda de AULAS PARTICULARES de isso ai gente, aula semanal de 2 horas para você poder aprimorar ou aprender um estilo novo de arte, por 6 meses e sair pronto para criar comissions ou artes para games! Vem fazer o curso, chama DM!

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Just passing by to say that comissions is on, just send a message and we can do something nice for you o/

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Going foward with the portraits for characters in now it's time for him, the best pilot ever! Joker o/

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Quais personagens de vídeo game vocês gosatariam de ver retratos em ?

(Estou nesse momento desenhando os personagens de mas vai soltando ai pra eu ver o que vocês gostariam de ver o/)

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Now, its time for a fan favorite for many people ^^ did a really fast one for Liara, o/ for today i think that's it, by tomorrow i'll keep posting more and more from the series portraits o/

Just to remember, i have OPEN, just send a DM ^^

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GALERINHA, lembrando vocês que, dia dos namorados ta chegando, e PORQUE NÃO, dar um RETRATO em pra pessoa que tu ama?

TA NO PRECINHO, conversa com a gente na DM que eu passo os PREÇOS EM REAIS! BORA!

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Still got some comissions open!

Landscape art is areally taken, and some slots for characters too. So, I still got some Character slots and Portraits, RT for reaching more people!

🇧🇷Lembrando que os preços em BR são diferentes, MANDA DM!

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COMISSIONS OPEN! Just DM for more information!

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Never had the oportunity to work on a character like

So I took some time to study and do a version of mine. Kind of an inspiration from many armor designs that she uses. So, what you guys think?

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Hi! I'm a sharing a little of my with you guys!

I'm with comissions open and looking for a job ask a pixel artist for games \o/ I have experience with Top Down, Isometric and Side Scrolling art styles! Just come in touch on the DM and let's talk!

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