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De Ja Vu doodles of two times strangers came up to me out of the blue to take a picture with me in public.
YUE SHOUT OUT your displeasure for SEAGULLS.
Polka is pleasantly surprised.
Yue pick up a nearby bottle and take a SWIG...
Polka takes the bottle and easily drinks the whole thing.
Polka is more than amused and smashes it against the wall.
Yue have successfully befriended Polka...
Yue stumble over to the nearby unknown pirate Lizard, singing a little tune. As soon as she notices yue, she hops out of her hammock and snaps yue up in one arm!
Your hue turns a fades a bit in fear....
Yue head downstairs and quickly notices someone from this ship's crew!
They are awake and drunk in a hammock but haven't noticed yue yet....
Yue and Hyue look across the water and notice a SHIP in the distance!!
Yue dont have your telescope anymore and can't really take a closer look from where yue are... but Ampue offers to swim you over there if Yue hop on her back!
Lace suspects the key opens a chest that is currently in the possession of another pirate. Someone who beat her to the prize, and found the chest BEFORE she did.
She is trusting yue to safeguard the key so that when and if the time comes, the chest can be opened...
Your Pirate instinct kicks in. Yue see something yue want and yue SNATCH IT UP AND START SCUTTLING TO THE DOOR.
Lace is stunned for a moment but quickly leaps into action to take back her cat!
Yue pass by who ever that might be on the deck behind yue and walk to the captains quarters.
Your captain is known for being fierce and ferocious but shes also known for a tendency to more than a few naps. The captain is asleep with a certain black cat also asleep in her lap..