

i draw things sometimes.

フォロー数:955 フォロワー数:10439


It’s been a week since the last one, but here I am again doing the LOL! Was super excited to draw these two! ✨

105 441

Here’s the other one! 👀

12 92

Here’s Chibi-Usa for the start of the outer senshi! 💫 Idk why I’m not super happy with the couple I’ve drawn so far for her, but eh! Here ya go! I ain’t shy 😬💦 I’ll probably come back to this one again ^^;

Also gave up on Tuxedo Mask for now LOL

38 183

Ugh, more stolen art but from a different design. Please avoid buying anything with this artwork since I don’t sell anything with this design. (I’ve also seen it on mugs and phone cases in the past)

Getting real tired of all these :(

35 90

Here’s another version too! :3

33 175

Mako-chan ~ 👀✨💕

77 316

One more for the evening! It’s Mars & Venus!

134 517

Another These are fun! 🍔✨

191 726

It’s late, but wanted to try this challenge! 👀

209 869