

Your local 🐍 demon that likes to play pranks!! Reminder I'm gay so please…

Language: CN/EN

Mama: @0o_Zen_o0

(More info at pinned)

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:75

哼………… 嗯………… 做么腾聪的脸越看越像叉烧肉的………?? 好像整只都好像叉烧肉的………………

这是所谓的 『饕餮叉烧』吗????

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Well shit.

Modern style me be like this… having me putting my hair down like that… bruh…

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Long time no see, mortals~
How you doing??

You like me tying hair or not?

🎨/: @/ZumiZumi1254

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I got my hair… braided… and a little redid…

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"Hey… why… why should I wear a maid dress…???"

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Ah~ Oh yea. Gimme a few seconds to wear my clothes, okay? I just transformed to human from my snake form just now…

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