pacthesis 👻💛さんのプロフィール画像

pacthesis 👻💛さんのイラストまとめ

making a corny thumbelina fanfic 💜@GoestotheBeach

💾9-to-5 weeb dev
👗outfit diary

フォロー数:486 フォロワー数:5019

me: dont infantilize violet she's a grown lady and doesnt deserve to be treated as an abstract idea to fulfill desires that disregard her character having any independent motivations and aspirations

me: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh m m m m m m m muh wiiiffee eeeeeeeeee

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larry stu

not actually related to marty or gary (but pretending to be their cousin?)
humanoid android mcdonalds employee piloted by a small alien

pretends to be a sim boy
from the planet douchebaggery

actually never heard of or watched the movie meet dave until like last month

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its so funny when prince dreamboat asked xolga and mr toko to save his sister (who he thinks was kidnapped by lord scallywag but they are just hanging out)

mr toko is all like "wow i hope she's hot" 🤣🤣😭😭💀

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prince dreamboat

the manliest man known to this land
it was love at first sight when he met marty stu at a gas station

was prejudice towards the scallywags
his sister princess dreamboat (a bishonen in appearance) and her bff lord scallywag were able to convince him otherwise

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marty stu

hetero bait

brother of gary stu
speaks in sans-serif
part-time at target
full-time prince dreamboat's lover

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gary stu

speaks in wingdings
full-time at walmart

coworker/friend of carl?
brother?(def related) to marty stu

originally made for a point/click horror mystery rpg inspired by theresia and the likes

full post:

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mr. toko (tom kro)

sharp shooter
21 year old dude trapped in kid's body?
sentient plush doll bff froze time to save life?
was in the mafia?
memory wiped by mystery head honcho

loooves muscular women (openly bi?)

can fly
and warp through space and time

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xolga utsugi

kai/mako's cousin

ran away from home
full time detective
dad ran away to pursue "dream"?
mom has drinking issues

red/green colorblind?
learns he has 6th sense

tbh didnt know about aro when i was a teen but he's always been aro to me lol
(his dad's name is aro?🤣)

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