

Totally irresponsible. Wicked cool. Probably tired. I make stuff.

フォロー数:736 フォロワー数:1806

These Succubi bugged out & it looks like they're lording over a heap of victims

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Thrift shop circuit in Houston is insane, you guise

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Welp, it finally happened. Stabbed myself with a triangle-point felting needle ;-; Gotta wait til I stop bleeding to do anything else cause this is white felt with ecru roving.

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Started up Dragon Ball while I'm working on these dolls. Haven't seen it since I was like 13. I forgot some stuff about it.

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I got some WC scrolls last time they cycled in & used them on these dorks

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Remember when I told you guys to go get the DMF fishing quest done on 3 alts & save the tickets? Well, if you listened to that hot tip, go talk to the balloon vendor in DMF today :>

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Y'all ain't knew you was chilling with a millionaire, did u?

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