

28+ || She/her 🇨🇱 SPA/ENG/IT ||

Multifandom (many many fandoms)

ORV (All🐟 🦑 verses 🔄❌)
IDV (🧲 🤕// all 🤕🔄❌)

フォロー数:1295 フォロワー数:720

I'm having thoughts

39 195

It's them.... The kitties

15 54

You are so perfect...

1 10



Who are you? The bf who provides the candies, or the bf who eats the candies...

21 150

edviced made by

Fuiste a la primera personita que le comisioné en el fandom, y te lo agradezco <3
Siempre lo traigo presente ♥♥ mwahmwah Tiny

1 3

How are we feeling today, Naiblovers?

85 463

VAL old art ft. Pikmin ♥
Someday I'll make a shirt with Luca's design, my favorite

11 41

Servais Le Roy, aka, Naib Subedar's number one hater

70 266