kirbyna ✨⭐さんのプロフィール画像

kirbyna ✨⭐さんのイラストまとめ

Alina • nintendo gremlin who loves to relax × game • HSR / Fe / Genshin / LoZ / drakeNieR / FF » cosplay ⚔️ Artist 🖌️ Nurse 💉 @realDracoJ❄️

フォロー数:803 フォロワー数:1951

💜B i r t h d a y . A r t💙
Please enjoy the cake before guoba does 😳

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Joke aside. She Rly is beautiful. My weakness for white haired Charas 😩

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I loved their supports alot. So I made another version of it 💜 anyone knows the shipname? 🤔

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