

🇸🇬 25+ | IDV Luca content and OC content | ⛓️右固定 | brain filled with 50% Luca 50% laoshi | DO NOT REUPLOAD

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:11256

this man is a supermodel a celebrity an idol

154 987

He’s a workin mannnn

43 409

paranormal detective so pretty~

169 1042

It’s a スコープ スコップ (scope scoop) lol

226 1146

long long hair Luca in hanfu? yes heuheue

and sneaking in some toniluca friendship - w -

92 616

how it started how it’s going

63 518

墓囚 ⏳⛓ AndLu
Epitaph x “Ben Hur”

stress-relief happy sofness ; w ;

186 855

墓囚⏳⛓AndLu repost huehue
I still really like skater waiter Luca - w -

132 795