

#Ayane: Be the moon and inspire people even when you're far from full || Ayane rp account! || Feel free to interact^^ || Short blogs || OC of @suutoroberi_jam

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Happy 1 year to us Hisoka! Waa,, I really can't believe it's been a year, I had the best 1 year with you and I hope you do too even though I may be a real pain hehe Oh hey! I have a surprise by the way! You'll definitely like it fufu

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Happy Birthday ! I know Diana is really against of having a tiger in the dorm but a friend of mine has these cubs and they are super adorable! Have a tiger Masumi-kun as well! Enjoy your birthday Yanna-chan^^

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Chika-chon invited me to have tea awhile ago. It was really suspicious but I agreed anyways. Who doesn't want free tea?:D We ended up talking a lot than I'd expected. I had fun though! Look at him smiling at the camera like an idiot.. Thank you for the free tea cabbage man!^^

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I helped Mankai in Actor's Cafe today! Me and Hisoka got to choose sweets that we like. I only bought this little pack though.. Too much sweets is bad. I think I need to lecture Hisoka more about this.. But still! His smile really warms my heart so maybe it's fine..?

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