Rena/Zinnia ⚢さんのプロフィール画像

Rena/Zinnia ⚢さんのイラストまとめ

☆ I would say #1 nene fan but I’m probably at least #6 ★ mizunene is real !!!! ☆ art acc: @owonyx_zinnia ★ sb to unf ☆

フォロー数:1004 フォロワー数:1074

good morning woke up to a ton of notifs again so cool

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hiii looking for mutuals and cool people
priv: @/rena__what (will accept most moots)

I pretty much only talk about sekai but I like Pokémon and TOH too

nene kusanagi my favorite ever
(ena and an are cool too)

nene pictures im

5 16

noo never i love getting replies actually

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will probably delete this when im doing better can someone just say something positive to me ir smth thanks

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good morning im i tireb

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