mai 📌 MOVED see pinnedさんのプロフィール画像

mai 📌 MOVED see pinnedさんのイラストまとめ

artist | moved to @mizurko_

フォロー数:406 フォロワー数:1557

he's so cool i wanna bite him

1 14

more wip!! i have one more of rook but who knows when i'll finish it

2 28

reply and I give you color!

i got blue!! :> .. does vani have blue or black hair actually idk lmao

0 6

yesss ofc!! you're always so nice and positive <33

0 1

wanted to try it out too!! this maker is so cute omg

0 2

little cute pretty sweet bonbon beautiful amazing adorable delightful charming precious cute i love him so much

17 70

still thinking of her 😭😭

0 27