

Web & Graphic Designer
Digitized Artworks: bit.ly/OSWaveFlow

❤️ @calithekoala

フォロー数:1074 フォロワー数:987

Reminder that I make art that looks amazing behind your pfp!


Owned by:

2 3

Aight, I caved and bought a second UFO so i can get more fren coin

3 28

Decided to combine 's alien fren with the art they purchased from me and I think it looks clean af

2 9

Trying to sell some of my 1/1 handmade art! There's a few for sale still and I'll be posting more soon

Could work as a great background for some of your pfps ;)

Here's my favorite one, and it's for sale:

3 6

~6% of listed. ~1% listed below mint.

i dont know about you, but that sounds pretty damn good for a 10k project nowadays.

22 40

Trying to sell some of my older art to try to pay off some things. I've got more pieces coming soon too!

All 1/1 pieces


2 2

I think is probably one of the top contenders. Great art, great community, great team, great roadmap. I own 5, and entry point is pretty low right now but remaining rather steady

10 51

Honestly, I'd have to say at the moment. They had insane organic growth, amazing art, honest and transparent team, fun team and mods, and are focused on building the floppy universe and brand rather than a cash grab. I know is bullish af on the floppies LOL

2 5

Still lovin my . A long term hold I'm more confident in than most things

4 15

Snagged another earlier today. I think i grabbed a pretty good one

17 103