

Chaos. Among other things.

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Good morning to him

7 84

They were everything to me back in 2017

33 211

Say whatever you please about this comic but you 1 thing you can’t say is that Billy and Teddy didn’t look absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS in it.

13 79

Happy Valentine’s Day to the iconic Power Couple that is Wiccan and Hulkling ❤️

31 99

Good morning y’all 🌞

31 213

What I absolutely love about Wiccan’s various costumes is the way the outer part of his bodysuit is a galaxy pattern, mostly drawn not in a weird fabric-y way but in a way where it looks like the stars you’d look up to see in the night sky. It’s beautiful

32 132


19 182

Best about Death’s Head 2019 is goth Billy, which is one of thee coolest Billys.

5 38

Young Avengers (2005) by Allen Heinberg and Jim Cheung, you will ALWAYS be famous forever

21 92