

フォロー数:169 フォロワー数:8654


38 225

oh to be power

10 103

from to
this this

13 151



girl only holding a sword for accessories

64 383

read a comment under a makima vid on tiktok that said “as a manga reader, im waiting on people to realize who makima is and laugh at them for think she was cute”

jokes on you she IS still cute to me🥰🥰

67 489

makima’s ID card cleaned by me

78 586

while i know she knew it would happen, i think she was genuine when she said this because she spent years serving the jp gvt. despite they told her not to catch feelings, makima can't help but enjoy her time with them and i think it was the first she felt equal to others

14 87

she sits like a grandma

1 49

the parallel between the first meeting of kishibe and quanxi after not seeing each other for years vs their last is so insane

25 238