

#MIKASA: darling, shine. that's all ✽ ackerman stan ✽ NOT spoiler free!!! 🧣

if you are blocked, then clearly you are a mikasa anti

フォロー数:595 フォロワー数:3260

i am once again asking

12 104

red and blue canon

24 156

it was always mikasa who finds eren first and i'm hoping that she'll find him again in the last two remaining chapters

31 237

he's so beautiful

5 60

mikasa carrying lots of heavy stuff on her own. the power! we'll see mikasa carry 13 thunderspears soon enough too

699 3939

11. your valentine

6 351

10. secretly delivers vday gifts to your house

4 265

9. asks you out on a date but you rejected

5 256

8. you ask them out on a date

5 277