

Howdy, I'm Conor Duct - the Conductor, main train operator for all of Equestria!

フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:358
# brony

Happy birthday Lauren Faust!

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In my head cannon, rainbow dash became the mare-do-well with the others, making her 20% cooler

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Just some grey ponies we need to see in Rainbow Rocks!

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Rainbow powered Vinyl Scratch! I need her to DJ for my birthday ;D

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Rainbow dash and scooterloo in a photo booth, love this!

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This is a perfect reference guide! If only I could make a conductor one :')

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Generation 1 < Generation 4

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Pinkie pie was all along actually.. PINKIE PIE?!

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Mmhm.. These ponies look A LOT cuter doing my job..

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