

I mostly talk about video games

フォロー数:847 フォロワー数:4754

Excitedly thinking about Trails into Reverie coming out in 2023. The Trails series is such an underrated series that I feel should get more attention. It's one of my absolute favorites and I would highly recommend playing the series

35 156

What's your top four favorite jrpg or jrpg series of all time?

20 208

Words cannot describe how excited I am that Trails into Reverie is coming to the west!!

16 164

Here are my four JRPG Series that i genuinely think deserve a revival

Thousand Arms (Last Seen In 1998)

Chrono Trigger (Last Seen In 2001)

Mother (Last Seen In 2006)

Monster Rancher (Last Seen In 2008)

9 85

For us JRPG fans we are getting fed well. We love to see it

31 223

I still think Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an amazing and underrated game. Definitely play Xenobalde Chronicles 2 if you haven't already, treat yourself to a truly fantastic adventure!

27 129

Can we please get a localization announcement of Hajimari no Kiseki at E3 2021 🤞🏼

34 161

Today is a special day, 1 year ago Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition came out & experiencing its powerful story with well written characters, mastering its clever battle system, completing more quests than I could ever hope to keep track of... I loved every moment of it ⭐️

10 54

I love Nihon Falcom, they are one of my favorite video game developers of all time. Please try their games out if you have never done so! They are absolutely incredible!

please go play a Falcom game ✅

16 93

These great JRPGs deserve a modern remake

32 200