

I mostly talk about video games

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Trails to Azure is honestly one of the best JRPGs of the 21st century. I can’t wait for yall to experience the second part of Crossbell duology. It’s going to be incredible. Trails to Azure is coming early 2023!

stay tune yall! 🫶

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YALL TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY. Trails from Zero releases tomorrow and I am so excited! AHHHH!! Which platform y’all going to get it on?

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Between Valkyrie Elysium, Crisis Core: Reunion and Harvestella, which games are you buying day 1, wish-listing or skipping?

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These four iconic games deserve a full modern remake

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YALL Bandai Namco has allegedly re-registered the Xenosaga name…I still want Xenosaga HD remaster

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You guys, Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI is voiced by Shai Matheson, is also the voice of Cammuravi from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and the voice of Serenoa from Triangle Strategy. It’s absolutely wild

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Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy XV? Which game do y’all like more? For me personally, I really like Final Fantasy XV It’ll always have such a special place in my heart

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It's been four years since Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age released for PlayStation 4 in the west. Happy 4 year anniversary! Who's your favorite Dragon Quest character?

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I’m so excited for Trails from Zero releasing next month! Who is your favorite Crossbell character?

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What video game do y’all think deserves a sequel?

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