Mojgorox, The Baleful Lordさんのプロフィール画像

Mojgorox, The Baleful Lordさんのイラストまとめ

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Beasts of Chaos player. That is all you need to know! #GoatBigOrGoatHome #EatBrayLove

フォロー数:496 フォロワー数:2280

Finished up the Khinerai. Firstly to use 6 of them as Slaanesh Harpies for Fate of Sigmar event next month. Then to add 10 into my City order army. Was a challenge to match schemes to both my Beasts of Chaos army and the city army. But happy with outcome.

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Slaanesh Harpies are ready to paint for over Christmas now. Simple head swap on Khinerai with Daemonette heads. Such dynamic models!

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Weird Bloodshot eye going on at the moment, keep forgetting about it and looking in mirror and thinking fuck!

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Khorne Harpies all done for Fate of Sigmar in Feb! Onto Tzeentch ones next.

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So every respectable AoS city needs a Stormhost positioned there, After flicking through the different options, the closest to represent the colours is The Sons of Mallus. Does anyone know of any source material where they are featured?

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Loads of terrain for Sale! Before I post up to eBay thought I would post here first. Postage extra.. Check out other posts below for more.. Terrain set £65

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Loads of terrain for Sale! Before I post up to eBay thought I would post here first. Postage extra.. Check out other posts below for more.. £60

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Loads of terrain for Sale! Before I post up to eBay thought I would post here first. Postage extra.. Check out other posts below for more.. £35 each

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Loads of terrain for Sale! Before I post up to eBay thought I would post here first. Postage extra.. Check out other posts below for more.. £15 each

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