

21 years old | she/her | 🧲🤹‍♂️♡⛏️⭐️ | 🔁❌️ | librarian at @tontonarchives

フォロー数:382 フォロワー数:71

mike: ur funny.. I was expecting it to be bad.. u played with my brain..u silly little jokester you learned from the best (me)

1 20

She says this when you don't give her the toy

0 1

I knew she would like the bear 😭😭

0 3

@ neteasedevs when are we getting poppee the performer crossover

82 569

the new skin reminds me so much of her

10 92

....why are both of u posing like that

53 285

Anyways, they sure do like sharp objects . both of them could cut u

1 19

ohmy god these bitches gay

9 78