

News & analysis for people taking action for Palestine.

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ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt told the group's National Leadership Summit that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, Palestine advocacy groups are "extremists", and equated left critics of Israel with white supremacists.

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19 61

Many point out hypocrisy of media on the nobility of Ukrainian resistance and illegitimacy of Palestinian resistance.

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182 409

Democratic members of Congress denounce Russia's invasion and occupation of Ukraine... while on an AIPAC-sponsored trip to Israel.

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306 556

A collection of 32 Palestinian films began streaming on Netflix, including movies by award-winning directors like Annemarie Jacir, Basil Khalil, and Elia Suleiman. Predictably, anti-Palestinian groups were outraged.

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292 653

House Democrats remove funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile system from spending bill amid pressure from progressives

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77 174

Israel may have committed war crimes during its deadly 11-day offensive on the Gaza Strip in May, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch.

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86 134

The Israel hasbara machine is attempting to sanitize Naftali Bennett’s “I killed many Arabs” quote

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163 296

New from - Palestinians across historic Palestine strike for dignity.

233 489

Donald Trump has lost the 2020 Presidential election. Cartoon by .

267 1084