viv ☆ ajax thinkerさんのプロフィール画像

viv ☆ ajax thinkerさんのイラストまとめ

she/ her • 23 • lurking & occasional lore posts • atiny

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:4291

maybe a coincidence, but the bleeding/melting eye in the cinematic has always reminded me of the melting moons from the murals in tsurumi

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columbina has the same gradient/highlight effect in her hair as guizhong, venti, raiden, nahida/rukkhadevata, and zhongli…does this mean she might actually be another god from pre-archon war teyvat?

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omg there’s a sumeru rose in baizhu’s free hand

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the current “cecelia” in game isn’t the original flower but one that venti named after the “original cecelia flower” which went extinct sometime before the game! it’s likely the flowers we see the travelers standing in in some promo art

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and this is a little more tinfoil hat-y but memory of dust (the weapon) has always reminded me faintly of the dainichi mikoshi. guizhong’s technological prowess in general just makes me think of the “ancient advanced civilization”

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this is so cute…my hairs gotten darker and longer, grew out the bangs lol, started dressing more feminine and pierced my ears. plus i used to read a ton as a kid & i was kind of scared of everything back then

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someone in dms pointed out that the symbol on the omnipresent god actually looks like an eye of the storm…istaroth is that you

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he’s also got the little primogem shape on his brooch…oop

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ok also! so we know about the khaenriahn pupils right. the stars. what on EARTH is up with her eyes. x-shaped pupils?!?

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i’ve been thinking a lot about inteyvat flowers lately. because lumine’s inteyvat changes appearance based on the element, they could have been something that allowed people in khaenriah to channel the elements, like how abyss mages use ley lines!

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