

Head honcho at Surrender at 20 - an independent fansite dedicated to delivering League of Legends & Teamfight Tactics news and PBE updates! #LeaguePartner

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# pbe

Here's the new Skarner and Kog'Maw skins, model viewer is unfortunately not very flatatering. IN-GAME SOON!

254 183

New Graves splash art on

196 181

Here's a set of four new splashes that were spotted at worlds. Graves, Gragas, Anivia, Warwick - source

151 138

10/13 Update - Eleven new splash arts, experimental preseason changes removed, and more!

227 160

New Veigar splash on

337 243

New Janna splash on

389 314

New Ahri splash on

448 380

10/10 Update: Shaco and Rumble splash art, Team reward ward skins, and more!

86 44

what if taric was a yordle. what a smashing idea

11 28

[#PBE] Hexakill: Twisted Treeline has it's own featured gameplay image now!

18 34