

They/Them. A tabletop player who draws characters for said tabletops.

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:26

Well the year is finally over, so here's how I spent some of it!

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OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - Yeah I do a lot of icons but also sometimes other stuff.

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I change from a saddened face to a smile to show character progression.
(2016 also wasn't the year I did pink but there was no poorly done multicolor option, so we make do)

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And what is a wizard without an intense (possibly slightly homoerotic) rivalry with a king that doesn’t want him to destroy cities for fun?

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That's right, I draw things.

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Honestly, a pretty good year for drawing. Surprised I managed to only miss two months. Yes two of them are edits of January's, BUT I'm still proud of them.

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