

Русский кринж
Аптека аптека аптека аптека аптека аптека аптека аптека аптека аптека

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:23

Я здесь ради proposal

0 6

Моя любимая пикча века. Я рисовала в аск игру в дурака на раздевание и боже эта пикча мой фаворит на долгое время уууф

3 31

sorry to inturrupt but i just wanted you to see the art since you were not active for some time
Hang on there man we're still with you

0 1

If you see this tweet show us your quarantine art progress

I think this is just hilarious

March 10th/February 12th

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I just wanted to draw this jackass
Your design is so indescribable i just needed to draw him
Hope that theres no mistakes
Retw it guys please uu

6 167

Now i feel myself better
Thx men

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Design of my favorite dad figure on dsmp
S-sam... 👉👈✨

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Now the egg arc is my favorite. Especially I began to love Sam I found the most pleasant character for me uu So I decided to draw this
Retweet that please, that would mean a lot to me ❤️

5 110

The second went. I love Turbo design. Lil boy omg love him
I remade it several times but in the end this is good one

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Нихуя не рисую кроме осов по Аватару
Мне нечего показывать
Сори нот сори

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