🌊✨ tooruさんのプロフィール画像

🌊✨ tooruさんのイラストまとめ

EN/中文/日本語 ⭕
was @lillynasshi

フォロー数:397 フォロワー数:368

cries as i remember that somehow my standards for personal art is very high and its either a horribly messy doodle or its a wip bc i cant reach my own vision

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some commissions i've finished for july so far! comms will be open again by august, so stay tuned if you'd like to commission something from me ^♡^ノ

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some of my old doodles!! personal art for once

on the left is takara in a youkai AU and on the right is nana. both OCs are mine! i mostly draw my ocs when i have free time /v\

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i only know how to doodle on white bgs

takara 1 and nana

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oh yeah i made this but then never posted it hmm there we go

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this roleplay group ate my entire life yalls have a look at my son hes a chicken boy and he has lipgloss on

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so there's this chinese mcd shitpost from a rly long time ago and long story short this is my OC and he works at mcd

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