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So somehow i still want to squeeze another project to my schedule. In collaboration with David Hutajulu. Where should i publish it?
Nanti malem ngobrol lagi ya min @bulutangkisRI @nicsap @bumilangitcom
#ThomasCup2020 #indonesia #pbsi #Bulutangkis
@bumilangitcom dan @DisneyPlusID announce project si mbak ini… sebelum semakin banyak pria patah hati, cuma mau ingetin kalau kalian kebanyakan bercanda nanti si mbak bisa ketus. #tira
Did this ink and color over pencil art from @gastonnyart time to put that wrist support again
Terima Kasih! Rahmat Erwin Abdullah #Bronze medalist #Weightlifting men’s 73kg @Olympics @Tokyo2020 #IndonesiaBangga
Another inking and coloring practice done… here comes logan! pencil art by ardian syaf