

chek my acc daily ; @dailyjosei, most of my friends call me MOCHI, roxana's wife 💗💞

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rambut biru mata kuning
eh mint ga si rambut ayang ku ini 🤔 kdng rambut nya putih, kdng biru 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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penumpang kapal mbk rosie mas otto berlayar y ges tp gg bet time skip nya pas udh jdi mbah2 😭

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I like covers like this, the impression is soft and sweet hahaha it reminds me of chocolate and valentine

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i like the cover aaaaaaaaaaaaa

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anyone read this? is this good?

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ceritanya bagus pake banget dan ini tipe aku banget ringan ceritanya, akdkkask huhu tp ini itu kaya The sultan's love cerita bagus tp cepet habis nya. Ini yg cowo seornag naga, suma menurut aku ya walau ini ringan tp kek nya ada beberapa hal bikin u ga nyaman

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i got a heart attack

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she became the supreme throne as "cute and beautiful fl" to me

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