

MAX ⚡️ 21 ⚡️ artist for @ouroboroslock

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:743

heres a picture of her turning her head really fast hcjvhhgdj give her a forehead kiss for me!

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i love my dog she’s been with me for eleven years and i don’t remember the time i spent before being with her, she does all she can to protect me (including snapping at my mom when we hi-fived) and i appreciate her so much. tika i know you can’t read this but i love you a bunch

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omg i love her too,,,, i wasnt expecting any reptiles but i love em a lot, thank u for sharing her!!

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they both look really nice! i bet you made max the happiest cat on the planet <3 give jameson a pat for me!

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they’re best friends

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ive never played switch smash or a donkey kong game in my life but i wanted to draw king k rool

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i was trying to draw my cay while he was sleeping but he kept ufcking moving

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have i ever talked about how much i love my cat

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pls get off hiatus soon ducktales 😔

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update on my favorite boy ever he has colors now

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