

obsessed with the color green | draws sometimes |
Technically an Indie Dev - @koboldFestival
AD: @MouseTrapAD

フォロー数:111 フォロワー数:273

I should redraw this for All Souls Day.

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This one turned out pretty well

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Gift art drawn a while back for my birthday by some huge dork.

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Hm. Is the spit trail too much?

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Ink is a gentlemonly ticket seller. He wanders around towns sometimes.

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Jawbreaker is the apprentice strongmon of Wonder Tile Circus. Those who work must eat.

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Cola's the senior fortune teller of the circus. He hasn't been the same since his partner, Pepsi the Plusle died.

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I honestly don't remember who the bigger raccoon is.

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That tasted purple.

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