

CEO & Co-Founder @killabearsnft

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hi ho hi ho, off to the we go.


24 71

Good Morning ⚡️

53 226

"begin with the end in mind." - Stephen Covey

SeaCub Trait Puzzle: June 28
SeaCub in Staking2: December 13

70 139

All fancee'd up for my arrival in

62 286

Happy Black Friday Killas 😈

56 141

Can it be yet? I'm ready , are you?

70 157

30 minutes later. The discord and twitter dms are ENERGETIC.

I can't do a whole lot just yet... But 1 thing i can, is use my resources to bring some joy and excitement there.

I AM GIVING AWAY 5 to CTJR holders. just comment on the post to enter.

75 172

Just to get ahead of questions or concerns - this tweet is to state that funds are safe from this weeks events. Ok, great... now back to regularly scheduled programming on

67 151