

He/Him, sometimes I say things

フォロー数:541 フォロワー数:79

Random idea I had the other day, but he's Gary

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GOD DAMN this is tempting after last night, but imma wait until we see the gameplay demo at their booth probably like a day from now.

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wowee I haven't done art in a while but here's something I finished recently 👌

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Just got back from watching and I can safely say it was my favorite MCU movie so far! Thank you for an incredible experience. I will not be spoiling the movie as I don't want to ruin this great film for others.

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So I've finally finished ! I've been catching up with all the previous games over the last few months, and it was definitely an experience. I would recommend anyone who's never played the series to try and get into it, it's really fun and you won't regret it.

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Big yeet I finished this up, honestly one of my proudest works I just love how this turned out.

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