區塊先生 🐡 ⚠️ (rock #58)さんのプロフィール画像

區塊先生 🐡 ⚠️ (rock #58)さんのイラストまとめ

泉 at @CurveFinance @PleasrDAO & Puffer 🎍I make DeFi videos in Mandarin Chinese 平時就是做做Crypto影片

フォロー数:3079 フォロワー数:75914

市場上有多種 APE staking (質押) 的平台,其中還給豐富的獎勵。如:

🧵 如何有效對沖 $APE 部位,同時又能挖代幣 ?

**注意** 這些策略都有其自身的風險,例如平台智能合約,交易費用以及做空或選擇權交易的潛在損失,因此在實施任何對沖策略之前,請自行評估

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電報能用👉🏼 https://t.co/qNKip4uBCG

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今晚需不需要開 取暖大會?#azuki

👉🏼 https://t.co/JaZtxdDK3B

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holders will soon be able to play with their

Each azuki and beanz will have unique stats and elements in the game. 🔥

Comment your azuki ID for a 3D design!

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祝大家聖誕節快樂 🎅🏼

分享破100次就抽聖誕禮物🎁 🎄🦍


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I have been making crypto videos for over 3 years (300+ episodes), and I want to turn these videos into a crypto story with different characters that represent different ERA (ICO, STO, tradeFi, IEO, DEFI/NFT summer, etc)

NFT + Anime

and I’m inviting you to join the journey

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