

Name's Maiky! I pretty much like videogames/anime. Gotta try and be positive! I sometimes post stuff. Peace, love and tranquility. I hope you are doing well!…

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Such a relaxing day. I don't think I'm getting off the bed. It's too soft and nice...

I hope you have a wonderful day with no stress and feel like you have no weight!

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Another day with new surprises ahead! Have an amazing day everyone!

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Have a wonderful day! I hope you are having a good weekend so far!
Remember, you are the best!

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It's Friday! Already weekend! I felt the days past too fast. Time, flies... May today you get the greatest of luck and fun! :D

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Happy mother's day to all those moms!

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I need more Raiden in Metal Gear!

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I love this scene! It's so awesome!

Anime: Bleach

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I hope you have an awesome Tuesday! Stay healthy!

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