

🎃🍁 Find more of my work @ mrsgendered.com 🍁🎃

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Non binary is valid as fuck and I just wanted yall to have this reminder that I love you and you are valid in your identity.
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Two panels
First panel: Auggy stands to the right with purple hair pulled back, he's wearing a brown shirt and cardigan and drinking ou

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Much love to my fellow Pans! 💖 💛 💙
“Pan Visibility Day aims to celebrate and recognise those who identify as pansexual (and panromantic) both within our organisation and amongst the wider community. Pan visibility day is an opportunity to raise awareness, do some myth

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Hey everyone! If you can't donate I'd really appreciate a like/comment/share to boost the fundraiser!
A person wearing a t shirt with short, straight hair sits on the bottom left of the panel waving towards us with a happy expression. Text from them

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Water just hits different at night
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Two panels
First panel: On the top left hand side of the panel there's a red rectangle that reads "1:32 pm". There's a window to the right that shows a yard with a fence and trees in daylight. There's a plant on the windowsil

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I promise I wear boxers under my massive shirts 😂
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three panels
panel to the left shows Auggy standing in a yellow plaid flannel top, with his hair pulled back and no pants on. Panel on the top right shows Auggy on the left looking confused. A person stands

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So I’m a little late for international asexuality day?
🍄 REPOSTING: Tag the page/give credit/no edits.⠀⠀
For FB: “Art by Mrs. Gendered from Facebook @ mrsgender “.
For Insta/Twitter “Art by Mrs. Gendered from Instagram/Twitter @ mrsgendered”
Image descriptio

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Coffee has water.
Therefore when I drink coffee.
I’m drinking water.
That equals out right?
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Two panels
First panel: A Doctor stands to the left of the panel. They have dark skin and shoulder length, dark, curly hair that's pinned back with a barrette. They l

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When you’ve gotten used to shaving weekly for years, it’s both euphoric and disconcerting to suddenly not need to shave anymore.
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First panel: Auggy is in the center of the panel with a frustrated expression. His hair is down and he's wearing a tanktop. A s

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You can train your pets to do this too! They won’t be service dogs but they can still be there for you when you need help.
image description
Two panels
First panel: Auggy sits to the right of the panel, his hair is pinned back and rainbow, he's wearing a dark orange button up

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I barely remembered mine, how about y’all?
Image description:
Auggy stands at the bottom right of the panel with his hair parted to the side, an inquisitive expression on his face, and he's wearing a plaid button up shirt. To the left of Auggy are two speech bubbles. The top

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