

Here to be here

フォロー数:2872 フォロワー数:618

Meet Gold Tank. Another shy tank like white tank. She also turns invisible but because of her trusty broom, she doesnt leave tracks behind her. So there is absolutley no telling of where she can be. Keep your guard up with her around or you WILL get flanked.

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Meet Amethyst Tank. She is a real test of patience. Her main characteristic is more or less like purple tank but her dodging game and awareness is on point. If there is at least a slight chance of her escaping, she will escape. Play it smart and try to get her cornered.

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Meet Citrine Tank. Shes an explosives enthusiast who loves to set up mines like yellow tank, but she is also a speedy one. She likes to take advantage of the fact that she is MUCH faster than you so be on the lookout for her dropping in with a surprise.

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Meet Ruby Tank. She fires multiple bullets like Pink Tank but one problem. She fires CONSTANTLY. Meaning she fires nonstop at a rapid rate the moment she sees you. Her plan is to absolutley overwhelm with a swarm of bullets. Going face to face is not the best strategy against her

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Meet Silver Tank. A bit like Gray Tank, but two things are different. She is smart enough to know how to use the walls around her to hit you and she is slightly faster Gray. OH- she occasionally lays mines as well. She is only the second tank and people already struggle with her

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This is Bronze tank. Another sleepy tank like Brown tank. But yet she isnt as much of a pushover as Brown. When you are at her line of sight, she will fire at a slow yet constant rate aiming right for you. So as you may guess, not much of a threat, but still a threat.

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Peter. What are you doing?

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Meet Black Tank. Arguably the toughest tank to encounter. He's fast, his bullets are fast, and he also lays mines from time to time. You can say that hes the whole package. He will make sure none of his targets manages to survive. If you survive, he'll consider you lucky.

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