It's a birb!さんのプロフィール画像

It's a birb!さんのイラストまとめ

30 // she/her // Yo I'm Tweets. I'm just a meme who is currently done with college and often has shenanigans and doodles // icon: @/badussyexarch

フォロー数:698 フォロワー数:758

A potato witch? More like a cutie-potato-ie!

...I'll see myself out for that pun, but the fact still remains that she is simply adorable!

3 10

If it's all good with you, I have but a tiefling to offer

1 10

You present a tiefling and I must take them and give them all the love and cookies

I'm a sucker for tieflings ajdfk;jas

1 6

< <
> >
*hands you a Shady with a cookie*

But for real tho, Shady is adorable and deserves the best in the world!

3 19

Tfw your DM has a real big bop for a boss(?) fight, but your character is emotionally compromised bc they are fighting a friend-turned-thing

1 10

Ngl it was hard narrowing one song for my gunslinger tiefling Tequila
But I'm gonna cheat a lil and say these two would fit her just fine

2 13

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a spooky and fun day filled with spoops and yummy food. Just remember to not consume all the sweets late at night or feel the wrath of a sugar crash.

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15 minutes late with coffee, but I'm a lil curious

1 12

I couldn't come up with anything for day 3 for inktober, so I instead lined my Ulsanya Deathseer and Lena maledictor that rolled.

They are the best of buds I swear

9 48

& last, but certainly not least, the winner for the lineless art raffle who asked for their good lad Gozu. He was an absolute blast to draw and I just love his design and personality so much!

He is def a precious lad and gets all the cookies💙 Congrats once again!

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