

what da dog doin

freelance artist and game developer

(some content may be risqué, but not explicit. 18+ followers ONLY)

フォロー数:2276 フォロワー数:560

A little something for :3

9 15

I made an actual natsuko alter char

She doesn't have an actual name yet, but she's an alternate reality natsuko from a bit darker of a timeline. The scarring on her body is from unleashing her electrical esper abilities past their limits.

7 14

dog girl at the beach, what will she do

13 27

I drew 's avatar, plus a bonus with silver hair

11 40

I figured I'll just post what I have now; here's a piece that I may or may not use as part of a much larger pic

8 13

feel like drawing this outfit again

5 12

Here's a natsubun a day late for bunny day

10 28

I don't even play genshin but I like hu tao, I think she's neat

7 27