

I am Odalia Blight's Strongest Simp.

フォロー数:49 フォロワー数:4724







>What about Bread
>That is only ever going to be YOUR thing Murr

You're not ready for Bread. No one is.

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Does this person not realize that hardly boils it down

That is everyone on Twitter

That is everyone on the internet

Why is this person projecting

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>Murr listen to me you cant like a character that is pure evil for the sake of being pure evil. You're not suppose to enjoy 1-dimensional behavior only flawed behavior that can progressively get fixed with time

Counter Argument: No. Cope and Sneed.

Still love Odalia.

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Reasons to push the Emergency Button

Its shiny and red
The button is right there.

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Oh it gets worse.

If you recall especially when LaB and Korra we're released and then taken off Netflix to be put on Paramount+ everyone even the writers of the show themselves hated the dynamic between Mai and Zuko

So they cucked Zuko. They didn't even give him any reprieve.

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Someone, probably Trudeau was likely watching Futurama one night and remembered how in that show there were those Suicide Phone Booths one could enter for 25 cents and their options we're either slow and agonizing or quick and painless.

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