


フォロー数:114 フォロワー数:17945

I love my boomers to death but I couldn’t take my Dad asking me for a chromecast tutorial for the 547th time so I just bought him a smart tv so I can retain some of my youth

24 347

Tomorrow is Monday...

15 127

We are petty sleepers 🛌

38 486

Every time I watch movies or shows about the past I realize how quickly I would die from a UTI or diarrhea or maybe even a cavity.... I most def would not live past 5 yrs 💯

47 411

Lol, I realized the other day, that most guys are so chill, that us girls just throw them into any group with strangers. And the funny thing is they usually always get along.

46 479

It’s cool covid just take all the time you need...I’m just sitting here aging and being sad.

92 700

When 2+2 isn’t equalling up to 4

57 523

We fugly or does the DMV hate us? 🤷🏻‍♀️

35 380

Saying no is a toughie...

70 496

That gas station experience iykyk

23 404