ケイゴイノウエ/KEIGO INOUEさんのプロフィール画像

ケイゴイノウエ/KEIGO INOUEさんのイラストまとめ

KEIGO INOUE / Video illustrator. 映像イラストレーター。未来の画作りを目指してます。キズナアイ・Eve・Ado・うる星やつらEDの映像制作等✨ILLUSTRATION 2022掲載✨ ■お仕事のご相談は公式HPにて受付中! keigo-inoue.com/contact 👈👈👈✨

フォロー数:4236 フォロワー数:52940


392 2308


631 3519

未来のメイク02 -Futuristic Makeup 02-
The Japanese-inspired hairstyle and kimono go well with the cyberpunk world, giving it a futuristic, Blade Runner-esque feel!

24 147

忍者 -Ninja-
I drew a cyberpunk ninja wearing a gas mask! This ninja must have intention of hiding in the dark because he's glowing so brightly!

17 90

天使 -Angel-
I've always been intrigued by the many ways an angel's halo can be represented. I'll continue to experiment with it and try to create my own style of halo!

15 75

丑 -The Ox-
This is a work based on the theme of the Chinese zodiac year of the ox, 2021! This was my first design for the new year, so I sprinkled in various motion graphics elements I tried last year!

19 71

バーチャルグラス -Smartglasses-
Smartglasses with a UI that moves like in the movie Iron Man are going to be a reality in the near future! Check out the cute accessories in the image as well!

26 80

つけまつげ02 -False Eyelashes 02-
This image has a powerful impact on the viewer, so it has become one of my representative works!

21 59