howdy-doody denim occultistさんのプロフィール画像

howdy-doody denim occultistさんのイラストまとめ

(He/Him) Loud person who deeply loves quiet things. Also planes, trains, and buses, which usually aren’t. Accordions are cooler than you think

フォロー数:1521 フォロワー数:314

since its unclear what the link is: signed prints of Geoff Hunt's naval paintings, including the *sublime* covers of various Aubrey-Maturin novels. I'm breathless

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almost posted an opinion. haha no thanks. don't have any of those. instead please enjoy this drawing of the millenium falcon if it was an e-2b hawkeye

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check out this illustration of the very first air-to-air kill, an *aerial ramming attack*, which also includes the pistol to sell it even harder

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gusting 20 knot crosswinds on the checkride when the demonstrated xwind for the A/C is 17 kts and every other school plane is staying on the ground

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d&d really leaning into ‘guy who approaches you at a bar and won’t take a hint’ with the illustrations these days

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hmm, the candy with quality chocolate and an amazing crisp texture, distinctive and light, is shit tier, really? ykit kats are a B+ in their category, and special variants like those lil' green tea guys from japan are A+ all timers!!

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30 minutes into this miniseries, have only met two of the main characters, and its so goddamn funny. its so funny!!!!!

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damn imagine being a ✨scientist✨...wearing a swooshy white coat 🥼...working in a ‘laboratory’ on ‘data’ and ‘hypotheses’ to try to understand nature 🌱...looking at things with telescopes 🔭 and microscopes 🔬...I wish science was real 😩 and not just a fandom 🥺

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