The size difference between Geonwoo’s bouquet for Euijoon and Caesar’s bouquet for Leewon after only knowing him for a couple of days will never not be funny
But when his “doll” starts to distance himself from him and doesn’t play by his rules anymore, he becomes irritated. Things don’t go his way this time and exactly like a child- he makes a fuss and wants to have it back
In a way, Leewon is like a doll to him. A doll that he never had while growing up because of his hard childhood. A doll to take care of, play with and to spend every moment with. Even Leewon notices it by comparing himself to a doll that Caesar can’t sleep without
In many moments it’s showed how Caesar is taking care of Leewon- wrapping him in blanket, changing his clothes, feeding him. It was actually really sweet however it shows that he treated the relationship between them as play of the house and it was really serious for him
Caesar was slowly seducing him with time, he wanted Leewon to give in and fall in his arms by himself. He wanted a challenge and Leewon was that for him. With time however these feelings of his started to connect with something from his past
Caesar started giving him baits and slowly forced him into his game by trying to make him dependent on him. Leewon needed something that Caesar had so in order to get it he had no other choice but to join too
Meeting Leewon changed his whole life and he immediately became obsessed. He finally found someone who is not afraid to stand up against him and that made him intrigued. He started a game- to tame and own him