Since I’m having a good afternoon/evening, I’ve decided to reduce the price on these adoptables until the end of this weekend. They’re now each $45. Same rule applies for ‘pay what you want’ as long as it’s above $45.
So yeah! Let me know if you’d like one of them! 💕 #adopts
My website hasn’t sent me my money to send off packages yet cause I have it set at a specific time that’s hard to change. So in order to send them off, I’d like to sell my adopts.
I need to earn about $75 for this as it’s a few packages. Please dm if you’d like one.
Here’s Gene! She’s Dawn’s daughter. Where’d she get the blonde hair? That’s because if Dawn didn’t have white hair, she’d have blonde. Gene is part fairy/goddess. She has her father’s markings and eyes. The wings are just a prop in art.
Clary. She comes from this deer species that’s been extinct for a long time. She’s one of the only survivors including her father and uncle. The girl is a great warrior as shes the leader of knights in my books.