

MonBeBe | Wenee ❤️ 160611 - met MonstaX & Sistar ✨ 1기 베베| 4기 베베 | 5기 베베

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Happy Kihyun Day

So i just drew a little ki fanart. uwu and also my first time drawing my ult bias lol

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It has been a very very long time since i last drew monstax but minhyuk today made me want to draw him very much that i had finished this in one sit. uwu

Minocchio with a devil smirk uwu

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Its so pretty tho 🥺❤️ i still need to draw more though

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Icezzzz jay is so cute. Camt wait for to come out.

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Minhyuk says hello y’all

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Hi, I’m Yoon. 😂 Well just saw some amazing people posting some of their REAAAAAALLLYYY beautiful artworks of them. Sigh They are so talented i am jealous. I ain’t no talented in traditional or digital or creative art. Here are some from my best artworks. Okay bai

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