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A smart bird feeder that notifies you of and IDs your feathered visitors, and organizes their photos in a beautiful collection to view and share.

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It is today! Have you noticed that these majestic creatures are rarely seen without a few feathered companions? They are called These resourceful little hitch a ride on the back and help themselves to the buffet of ticks. 🐘

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Today is Let's talk about

When the female is incubating, songbird males find food and feed it to her! 😉 This helps her not have to run back and forth, and is also good for the chicks, since there's no chance of predators discovering the nest!

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These sweet-sounding sadly used to be popular in the 19th century caged trade because of their melodious tunes. You are what you eat or, in their case, you are named after what you eat! Did you know they are called because of their appetite for flax seeds.

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This one goes out to all the hard-working out there! If anybody is deserving of that title, it is the ruby-throated hummingbird. All moms are single mothers and they have their hands full to say the least.

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If you see a flying away with more food that they can possibly eat in one sitting, they’re probably hurrying to store – or – it! Nature is fickle and food might not always be plentiful, so a secret stash helps them survive the rougher months.

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Did you know the largest North American bill is as long as its head? That's quite the hardware! It needs to be because they use it to chisel out a large round hole to in. They don't just use trees, poles used for power lines are also a favorite.

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This is a hot one! We like nothing more than jumping into a nice cold pool on a hot summer’s day or having some refreshing ice cream, and there are certain things also do to beat the as well as stuff you can do to help them out!

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One of the best ways to learn is by doing, and certain know that very well! They are birds that engage in so-called cooperative when three or more birds of the same species – either helpers or family members – help out in raising the kids.

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The American tree name is actually a misnomer! These actually build their on the ground. There's no dieting for this they need to eat and drink 30% of their body weight a day.

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The Nicobar is the largest living pigeon and you can find this incredible in the rainforests, dry forests, mangroves and shrubland of Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is the closest living relative of the now extinct

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