

MyJennyBook stories for children promote literacy. YOU are the star of the story!

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In the A Fairy Tale, some of the fairies, who are normally nice, act like bullies sometimes. Why?

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In the When I Grow Up book, imagine all the things YOU could be when YOU grow up!

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This week MyJennyBook explores recipes for reading! Invent a recipe for a cool summer drink. Write it out!

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April showers bring May flowers, right? Take a walk and suggest your child point out different flowers he sees.

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Create a MyJenny OGRE or Monster book and find new ways to retell stories you know about ogres or monsters!

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In this JennyBook, people pick on someone they don't understand. Why? Suggest possible ideas to help make friends.

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Use your Kid Creation Pages to write a spooky Halloween story starring the Not So Terrible Ogre!

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Our favorite rainy day MyJennyBook -- personalize it at to make your child the story's star!

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Some tips for littles ones with allergies: (if you have to stay inside, read a MyJennyBook!)

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A page from the special edition Heads Up! / Reading is Fundamental MyJennyBook featuring

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