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This reminds me of the artist Yang-Mei, who can be found on dA. But her artwork of PPG x Vocaloid can be found on YouTube! This includes drawing out AMVS for Alice Human Sacrifice, Daughter of Evil and Servant of Evil in the style of PPG. All of this was drawn over 10 years ago!

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An art trade and art contest entry from Discord

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Some new artworks that I drew recently! Joined an RPing group during the pandemic, gave me inspiration to draw again. I’ve been referencing more often, I have a long way to go, but I’m pretty excited!

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It was at this point that I stopped drawing, anxiety and busy schedules kept me away from drawing for a long while

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I got better at shading characters along the way, that was nice to realize

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I became more comfortable with drawing water, I was proud of that

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I tried to keep expanding, did a few more landscapes that were more than just background trees, grass and dirt

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Did a lot of experimenting with more intense mood lighting

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At some point, someone gave advice to use colored shading, so that was fun to mess with

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Some old artworks in the past. When I started out drawing, I mostly concentrated on characters, so my background skills were minimal to none

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